Uses of Class
Packages that use Index
Uses of Index in io.permazen.core
Subclasses of Index in io.permazen.coreModifier and TypeClassDescriptionclass
CollectionElementIndex<C extends Collection<E>,
E> A simple index on the elements of aCollectionField
T> A simple index on aComplexField
A composite index on two or more fields in anObjType
An index on the elements of a list field.class
V> An index on the keys of a map field.class
V> An index on the values of a map field.class
An index on the elements of a set field.class
An index on a simple field that is not a sub-field of a complex field.class
An index on a simple field, either a regular simple field or a sub-field of a complex field.Methods in io.permazen.core with parameters of type Index