Class SimpleEncodingRegistry

All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class SimpleEncodingRegistry extends Object implements EncodingRegistry
A straightforward EncodingRegistry implementation that creates object array types on demand.

The add() method only accepts non-array types and primitive array types. All other array types are automatically created on demand via buildArrayEncoding().

  • Field Details

    • log

      protected final Logger log
  • Constructor Details

    • SimpleEncodingRegistry

      public SimpleEncodingRegistry()
  • Method Details

    • add

      public boolean add(Encoding<?> encoding)
      Add a new Encoding to this registry.

      The type's encoding ID must not contain any array dimensions except for single dimension primitive array types.

      encoding - the Encoding to register
      true if it was added, false if it was already registered
      IllegalArgumentException - if encoding is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if encoding's encoding ID is null (i.e., encoding is anonymous)
      IllegalArgumentException - if encoding's encoding ID conflicts with an existing, but different, encoding
      IllegalArgumentException - if encoding's encoding ID has one or more array dimensions
    • addNullSafe

      public <T> boolean addNullSafe(EncodingId encodingId, Encoding<T> inner)
      Add a null-safe version of the given non-null supporting Encoding to this registry.

      The encoding is wrapped in a NullSafeEncoding to add null value support.

      encodingId - the ID for the newly added encoding
      inner - the inner non-null supporting Encoding
      true if it was added, false if it was already registered
      IllegalArgumentException - if inner or encodingId is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if inner's encoding ID conflicts with an existing, but different, encoding
      IllegalArgumentException - if inner's encoding ID has one or more array dimensions
      IllegalArgumentException - if inner already supports null values
    • buildArrayEncoding

      public static <E> Encoding<E[]> buildArrayEncoding(Encoding<E> elementEncoding)
      Build an array encoding for the given element encoding using Permazen's default array encoding.

      The element encoding must represent a non-primitive type. This method uses the generic array encoding provided by ObjectArrayEncoding, wrapped via NullSafeEncoding.

      If elementEncoding is anonymous, so will be the returned encoding, otherwise the returned encoding's EncodingId will be equal to elementEncoding.getArrayId().

      elementEncoding - element encoding
      corresponding array encoding
      IllegalArgumentException - if elementEncoding is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if elementEncoding encodes a primitive type
      IllegalArgumentException - if elementEncoding encodes an array type with 255 dimensions
    • getEncoding

      public Encoding<?> getEncoding(EncodingId encodingId)
      Description copied from interface: EncodingRegistry
      Get the Encoding with the given encoding ID in this registry.
      Specified by:
      getEncoding in interface EncodingRegistry
      encodingId - encoding ID
      corresponding Encoding, if any, otherwise null
    • getEncodings

      public <T> List<Encoding<T>> getEncodings(TypeToken<T> typeToken)
      Description copied from interface: EncodingRegistry
      Get all of the Encodings in this registry that supports values of the given Java type.

      The Java type must exactly match the Encoding's supported Java type.

      Specified by:
      getEncodings in interface EncodingRegistry
      Type Parameters:
      T - encoding value type
      typeToken - encoding value type
      unmodifiable list of Encodings supporting Java values of type typeToken, possibly empty
    • register

      protected void register(EncodingId encodingId, Encoding<?> encoding)
      Register a new Encoding.
      encodingId - encoding ID under which to register the new encoding
      encoding - the new encoding to register
      IllegalArgumentException - if either parameter is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if there is already a encoding registered under encodingId
      IllegalArgumentException - if encoding is anonymous or has an encoding ID different from encodingId