Package io.permazen.index

package io.permazen.index
Permazen index classes. These classes define the Java interface to database indexes.

Indexes provide fast lookup of objects based on field value(s). The Index* interfaces in this package have generic type parameters that correspond to the field value type(s), plus a final generic type parameter corresponding to the "target type". For example, an index on field int getAccountNumber() of type User will be represented by a Index1<Integer, User>, and may be viewed either as a NavigableSet<Tuple2<Integer, User>> or a NavigableMap<Integer, NavigableSet<User>>.

Indexes are accessible through the PermazenTransaction API:

Simple and Composite Indexes

A simple index on a single field value is created by setting indexed="true" on the @PermazenField annotation.

Composite indexes on multiple fields are also supported. These are useful when the target type needs to be sorted on multiple fields; for simple searching on multiple fields, it suffices to have independent, single-field indexes, which can be intersected via NavigableSets.intersection(), etc.

A composite index on two fields String getUsername() and float getBalance() of type User will be represented by a Index2<String, Float, User>; a composite index on three fields of type X, Y, and Z by a Index3<X, Y, Z, User>, etc.

A composite index may be viewed as a set of tuples of indexed and target values, or as various mappings from one or more indexed field values to subsequent values.

A composite index may always be viewed as a simpler index on any prefix of its indexed fields; for example, see Index2.asIndex1().

Complex Sub-Fields

Only simple fields may be indexed, but the indexed field can be either a normal object field or a sub-field of a complex Set, List, or Map field. However, complex sub-fields may not appear in composite indexes.

For those complex sub-fields that can contain duplicate values (namely, List element and Map value), the associated distinguishing value (respectively, List index and Map key) becomes a new value that is appended to the index. The resulting index types associated with indexes on complex sub-fields of some object type Foobar are as follows:

Index Types
Complex Field Indexed Sub-Field Distinguising Value Distinguising Type Index Type
Set<E> Set element n/a n/a Index1<E, Foobar>
List<E> List element List index Integer Index2<E, Foobar, Integer>
Map<K, V> Map key n/a n/a Index1<K, Foobar>
Map<K, V> Map value Map key K Index2<V, Foobar, K>

To ignore the distinguishing values, convert the Index2 back into an Index1 via Index2.asIndex1().

  • Interfaces
    An index on a one or more fields in some target type.
    An index on a single field.
    An index on two fields.
    An index on three fields.
    An index on a four fields.