Class AbstractEnumSchemaField

All Implemented Interfaces:
DiffGenerating<SimpleSchemaField>, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
EnumArraySchemaField, EnumSchemaField

public abstract class AbstractEnumSchemaField extends SimpleSchemaField
Superclass of SimpleSchemaField types involving EnumValues representing Enum types.
  • Constructor Details

    • AbstractEnumSchemaField

      public AbstractEnumSchemaField()
  • Method Details

    • getIdentifiers

      public List<String> getIdentifiers()
      Get the ordered list of identifiers that constitute the enum type.
      enum identifier list, which will be unmodifiable if this instance is locked down
    • hasFixedEncoding

      public boolean hasFixedEncoding()
      Description copied from class: SimpleSchemaField
      Determine if this field has a fixed encoding.
      hasFixedEncoding in class SimpleSchemaField
      true if this is a ReferenceSchemaField or AbstractEnumSchemaField, otherwise false
    • differencesFrom

      public Diffs differencesFrom(SimpleSchemaField other)
      Description copied from interface: DiffGenerating
      Detect the differences of this instance when compared to the given instance.
      Specified by:
      differencesFrom in interface DiffGenerating<SimpleSchemaField>
      differencesFrom in class SimpleSchemaField
      other - other instance
      differences; will be empty if there are none detected
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object obj)
      equals in class SimpleSchemaField
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class SimpleSchemaField
    • clone

      public AbstractEnumSchemaField clone()
      Deep-clone this instance.

      The returned instance will not be locked down even if this one is.

      clone in class SimpleSchemaField
    • getObjectType

      public SchemaObjectType getObjectType()
      Get the SchemaObjectType of which this field is a member.
      containing object type
    • setObjectType

      public final void setObjectType(SchemaObjectType objectType)
      Set the SchemaObjectType of which this field is a member.

      Note: this field is considered derived information, and will be set automatically when a referrring SchemaObjectType is locked down.

      objectType - containing object type
      UnsupportedOperationException - if this instance is locked down
    • visitSchemaItems

      public void visitSchemaItems(Consumer<? super SchemaItem> visitor)
      Visit all SchemaItem descendents of this instance with the given visitor.

      If this instance is also a SchemaItem, then also visit this instance.

      The traversal is depth first, pre-order.

      visitor - visitor for schema items
      IllegalArgumentException - if visitor is null
    • visitSchemaItems

      public final <T extends SchemaItem> void visitSchemaItems(Class<T> nodeType, Consumer<? super T> visitor)
      Visit this schema item and all of its descendents matching the given type with the given visitor.

      The traversal is depth first, post-order.

      nodeType - node type to include
      visitor - visitor for schema items
      IllegalArgumentException - if either parameter is null
    • isLockedDown

      public final boolean isLockedDown(boolean includingStorageIds)
      Determine whether this instance is locked down.
      includingStorageIds - false to test all but storage ID's, true to require storage ID's to be locked down as well
      true if instance is locked down, otherwise false
    • getSchemaId

      public final SchemaId getSchemaId()
      Generate a unique SchemaId corresponding to the type and encoding structure of this schema item.

      The SchemaId does not depend on the storage ID.

      This instance must be locked down except for storage ID's. Repeated invocations of this method will be very fast, just returning the cached previous result.

      schema ID
      IllegalStateException - if this instance is not locked down
      See Also: