Package io.permazen

Class PermazenField

Direct Known Subclasses:
PermazenComplexField, PermazenCounterField, PermazenSimpleField

public abstract class PermazenField extends PermazenSchemaItem
Represents a field in a Java model object.
  • Method Details

    • getFullName

      public String getFullName()
      Get the "full name" of this field.

      If this field is a sub-field of a complex field, the full name is the field's name qualified by the parent field name, e.g., "mymap.key". Otherwise, the full is is the same as the name.

      parent PermazenComplexField, or null if this instance is not a sub-field
    • getGetter

      public Method getGetter()
      Get the getter method associated with this field.
      field property getter method, or null if this field is a sub-field of a complex field
    • getDeclaringAnnotation

      public Annotation getDeclaringAnnotation()
      Get the Annotation that declared this field.

      If this field was auto-generated from an abstract method with no annotation, a non-null Annotation is still returned; it will have all default values.

      declaring annotation
    • getValue

      public abstract Object getValue(PermazenObject pobj)
      Get the Java value of this field in the given Java model object. Does not alter the schema of the object.
      pobj - object containing this field
      this field's value in pobj
      DeletedObjectException - if pobj does not exist in its associated PermazenTransaction
      StaleTransactionException - if the PermazenTransaction associated with pobj is no longer usable
      IllegalArgumentException - if pobj is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if this field is a sub-field of a complex field
    • getKey

      public ByteData getKey(PermazenObject pobj)
      Get the byte[] key in the underlying key/value store corresponding to this field in the specified object.


      • Complex fields utilize multiple keys; the return value is the common prefix of all such keys.
      • The KVDatabase should not be modified directly, otherwise behavior is undefined
      pobj - Java model object
      the corresonding KVDatabase key or key prefix
      IllegalArgumentException - if pobj is null or has the wrong object type
    • visit

      public abstract <R> R visit(PermazenFieldSwitch<R> target)
      Apply visitor pattern.
      Type Parameters:
      R - visit return type
      target - target to invoke
      value from the method of target corresponding to this instance's type
      IllegalArgumentException - if target is null
    • getConverter

      public abstract Converter<?,?> getConverter(PermazenTransaction ptx)
      Get a Converter that converts this field's value from what the core database returns to what the Java application expects, or null if no conversion is needed.
      ptx - transaction
      Converter from core API to Java, or null if no conversion is required
    • getTypeToken

      public abstract TypeToken<?> getTypeToken()
      Get the type of this field.
      this field's type
    • getPermazenClass

      public PermazenClass<?> getPermazenClass()
      Get the PermazenClass of which this field is a member.
      this field's containing object type
    • getSchemaItem

      public Field<?> getSchemaItem()
      Description copied from class: PermazenSchemaItem
      Get the corresonding core API database instance.
      getSchemaItem in class PermazenSchemaItem
      this instance's correpsonding SchemaItem