Class Field<T>

Type Parameters:
T - field's value type
Direct Known Subclasses:
ComplexField, CounterField, SimpleField

public abstract class Field<T> extends SchemaItem
A field in an ObjType or a (simple) sub-field of a ComplexField in an ObjType.
  • Method Details

    • getFullName

      public String getFullName()
      Get the full name of this field.

      If the field is a sub-field of a complex field, the full name is the field's name qualified by the parent field name, e.g., "mymap.key". Otherwise, the full is is the same as the name.

      this field's full name
    • getObjType

      public ObjType getObjType()
      Get the ObjType that contains this field.
      this field's object type
    • getTypeToken

      public TypeToken<T> getTypeToken()
      Get the Java type corresponding to this field.
      this field's type
    • getValue

      public abstract T getValue(Transaction tx, ObjId id)
      Get the value of this field in the given object. Does not alter the schema of the object.
      tx - transaction
      id - object id
      this field's value in the specified object
      DeletedObjectException - if no object with ID equal to id is found
      UnknownTypeException - if id specifies an unknown object type
      UnknownFieldException - if this field does not exist in the specified object
      StaleTransactionException - if this transaction is no longer usable
      IllegalArgumentException - if either parameter is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if this field is a sub-field of a ComplexField
    • hasDefaultValue

      public abstract boolean hasDefaultValue(Transaction tx, ObjId id)
      Determine if this field in the specified object has its default value in the specified Transaction.
      tx - Transaction containing field state
      id - object ID
      true if this field is set to its initial default value in object id, otherwise false
      DeletedObjectException - if no object with ID equal to id is found
      UnknownTypeException - if id specifies an unknown object type
      StaleTransactionException - if this transaction is no longer usable
      IllegalArgumentException - if either parameter is null
      IllegalArgumentException - if this field is a sub-field of a ComplexField
    • getKey

      public ByteData getKey(ObjId id)
      Get the key in the underlying key/value store corresponding to this field in the specified object.


      • This method does not check whether the object actually exists.
      • Complex fields utilize multiple keys; the return value is the common prefix of all such keys.
      • The KVDatabase should not be modified directly, otherwise behavior is undefined
      id - object ID
      the KVDatabase key (or key prefix) for the field in the specified object
      IllegalArgumentException - if id is null or has the wrong object type
      See Also:
    • visit

      public abstract <R> R visit(FieldSwitch<R> target)
      Apply visitor pattern.
      Type Parameters:
      R - visitor return type
      target - target to invoke
      return value from the method of target corresponding to this instance's type
      NullPointerException - if target is null