Package io.permazen.annotation

package io.permazen.annotation
Annotations used for automatic creation of a Permazen and corresponding schema configuration of the underlying Database from annotated classes, as well as automatic registration of various listeners, etc.

All Permazen annotations may be configured indirectly as a Spring meta-annotation when spring-core is on the classpath.

  • Annotation Interfaces
    Annotates methods to be invoked whenever some target field in some target object changes during a transaction.
    Annotates Permazen model class methods that are to be invoked whenever a database object is newly created.
    Annotates Permazen model class methods that are to be invoked whenever an object is about to be deleted.
    Annotation for methods that are to be invoked whenever an object's schema has just changed, in order to apply "semantic" schema migration logic.
    Annotates a Permazen model class instance method that should be invoked any time the associated model object is validated.
    Java annotation that defines a composite index.
    Container for the @Repeatable annotation PermazenCompositeIndex.
    Java annotation for defining simple fields (including reference fields that refer to other Java model object types) and Counter fields.
    Java annotation for the getter methods of Java bean properties reflecting List fields.
    Java annotation for the getter methods of Java bean properties reflecting Permazen Map fields.
    Java annotation for the getter methods of Java bean properties reflecting Permazen Set fields.
    Eliminates the annotated method from consideration for Permazen field auto-generation.
    Java annotation for Java classes that represent Permazen database object types.
    Annotates Java instance methods that should return all objects found at the far end of a reference path, starting from the current instance.
    Defines a predicate that matches a contiguous range of values of a simple field.
    Defines a predicate that matches certain values of a simple field.
    Defines a predicate that matches certain combined values of a list of simple fields.