Annotation Interface OnCreate

Annotates Permazen model class methods that are to be invoked whenever a database object is newly created.


When a matching object is created, annotated methods are invoked just after the object's creation.

For instance methods, the annotated method may take either zero or one parameter (the newly created object). Zero is typical, in which case a matching object is any object that is an instance of the method's declaring class, i.e., newly created objects receive their own notifications.

If the method has one parameter, then newly created objects still notify themselves but only when their types match the parameter's type (the new object is both the method receiver and method parameter). The latter case is less common but useful for example when a superclass method is only interested in the creation of specific sub-types.

For static methods, a method parameter is required and a matching object is one whose type is compatible with it.

The annotated method may may have any level of access, including private.

A class may have multiple @OnCreate methods, each with a specific purpose.

Note that there is a subtle distinction between (a) the creation of objects in the database (i.e., the event that this annotation concerns), and (b) the instantiation of an actual Java model object representing a database object. These two events are different; in particular, distinct Java objects are created to represent the same database object in different transactions. It's even possible for a Java model object to be instantiated even though no corresponding database object exists in the database (via PermazenTransaction.get()).

As a consequence, any operations specific to the creation of new database instance, such as one-time initialization of database fields, should take place in @OnCreate-annotated methods instead of constructors.

For example, instead of doing this:

  public abstract class Event {

      protected Event() {

      public abstract Instant getCreateTime();
      public abstract void setCreateTime(Instant createTime);

do this:

  public abstract class Event {

      public abstract Instant getCreateTime();
      public abstract void setCreateTime(Instant createTime);

      private void initializeCreateTime() {

Notification Delivery

Notifications are delivered in the same thread that created the object, immediately after the object is created.

Some notifications may need to be ignored by objects in detached transactions; you can use this.isDetached() to detect that situation.

Actions that have effects visible to the outside world should be made contingent on successful transaction commit, for example, via Transaction.addCallback().


This annotation may be configured indirectly as a Spring meta-annotation when spring-core is on the classpath.

See Also: