All Classes and Interfaces

Support superclass for CachingConfig implementations.
Support superclass for CLI Command implementations.
Support superclass for the various core index classes.
Support superclass for Encoding implementations.
Superclass of SimpleSchemaField types involving EnumValues representing Enum types.
Support superclass for Set implementations based on database entries.
Parses a byte[] array as hexadecimal or doubly-quoted "C" style string.
Iterator implementation whose values derive from key/value byte[] pairs in a KVStore.
NavigableMap support superclass for maps backed by keys and values encoded as byte[] arrays in a KVStore, and whose key sort order is consistent with the byte[] key encoding.
NavigableSet support superclass for sets backed by elements encoded as byte[] keys in a KVStore and whose sort order is consistent with their byte[] key encoding.
Support superclass for KVStore implementations.
Support superclass for NavigableMap implementations based on database entries.
Support superclass for NavigableSet implementations based on database entries.
Support superclass for classes that serialize and deserialize via XML.
Scans the classpath for classes having one or more configured type annotations.
Sent from leaders to followers to probe the follower's log state and/or append an entry to their log.
Sent from a follower to a leader in response to an AppendRequest.
An URLClassLoader whose classpath can be modified at runtime.
Support superclass for non-null built-in array Encodings.
KVDatabase implementation based on a AtomicArrayKVStore, providing concurrent transactions and linearizable ACID semantics.
Superclass of all unchecked exceptions thrown by a ArrayKVStore.
A simple read-only KVStore based on a sorted array of key/value pairs.
ArrayKVDatabase transaction.
Writes ArrayKVStore index, key, and value data, given a sorted sequence of key/value pairs.
AtomicKVStore based on ArrayKVStore plus a write-ahead log and background compaction.
Wrapper class that presents an AtomicKVStore view of a KVDatabase, using individual transactions for each operation.
Extension of the KVStore interface for implementations that support atomic, batched reads and writes.
Adds support for an alternate Base-64 String encoding for non-null primitive array types.
A "main" class for Permazen CLI applications.
Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition KVDatabase implementation.
Oracle Berkeley DB Java Edition KVTransaction implementation.
Non-null BigDecimal type.
Non-null BigInteger type.
Non-null BitSet type.
Non-null boolean[] array type.
Utility class used by AbstractNavigableSet and AbstractNavigableMap to define the (optional) upper and lower bounds of a restricted range.
Upper and lower bound types.
A KVTransaction that is based on a snapshot from an original KVTransaction and that can, at some arbitrary later time, be merged back into a new KVTransaction from the same database, assuming no conflicting changes have occurred in the meantime.
MVStore DataType implementation encoding byte[] arrays sorted lexicographically.
byte[] primitive array type.
LMDBKVDatabase using byte[] arrays buffers.
KVStore view of a LMDB transaction using byte[] array buffers.
LMDBKVTransaction using byte[] arrays buffers.
byte primitive type.
Reads bytes from a buffer.
Byte manipulation utilities.
Writes bytes to a buffer.
API for configuring caching behavior.
A wrapper around an inner KVDatabase that adds a caching layer to transactions by wrapping them in a CachingKVStore.
A caching layer for read-only KVStore's that have high latency for individual reads but low latency for consecutive key/value pairs in a KVStore.getRange() range read.
A transaction associated with a CachingKVDatabase.
Raft candidate role.
Object change notification.
Visitor pattern interface for the Change class hierarchy.
Non-null char[] array type.
Character type.
Configuration for a CLI application.
A ForwardingKVStore also implementing CloseableKVStore, with some associated underlying Closeable resource to close when CloseableForwardingKVStore.close()'d.
An Iterator that is Closeable and can be close()'d without throwing any exceptions.
Implemented by KVStores that must be CloseableKVStore.close()ed when no longer in use.
Holds a count of references to a Closeable resource and only close()'s it when the reference count reaches zero.
Keeps track of Closeable objects (termed items) that must be reliably closed prior to shutting down some associated context, but that also must not be closed prior to becoming unreachable, when the straightforward strategy of just storing them until context shutdown would require too much memory.
KVDatabase implementation based on CockroachDB.
A simple index on the elements of a CollectionField.
Superclass of fields with types assignable to Collection.
A collection field in one version of a SchemaObjectType.
Session command.
Sent from followers to leaders to start the commit of a transaction.
Response to a CommitRequest.
A complex Field, such as a collection or map field.
A complex field in one version of a SchemaObjectType.
A simple index on a ComplexField sub-field.
A composite index on two or more fields in an ObjType.
Support superclass for non-null Encodings of values that can be decomposed into two component values.
Support superclass for non-null Encodings of values that can be decomposed into three component values.
Support superclass for non-null Encodings of values that can be decomposed into four component values.
Support superclass for non-null Encodings of values that can be decomposed into four component values.
Represents an MVCC conflict.
RaftKVTransaction supported consistency levels.
An Encoding that relies on some other Encoding, converting values to/from the other Encoding's Java type.
Provides a transformed view of a wrapped List using a strictly invertable Converter.
Provides a transformed view of a wrapped NavigableMap using a strictly invertible Converter.
Provides a transformed view of a wrapped NavigableSet using a strictly invertable Converter.
Provides a transformed view of a wrapped Set using a strictly invertable Converter.
Provides a transformed view of a wrapped ConvertedSpliterator using a strictly invertable Converter.
Holds state during a multi-object copy operation.
Configuration for a CLI application supporting Core API database interaction.
Core API Index1 implementation representing an index on a single field.
Core API Index2 implementation representing a composite index on two fields.
Core API Index3 implementation representing a composite index on three fields.
Core API Index4 implementation representing a composite index on four fields.
Represents a 64-bit counter value that can be adjusted concurrently by multiple transactions, typically without locking (depending on the underlying key/value store).
Counter fields.
A counter field in a SchemaObjectType.
Listener interface for notifications that an object has just been created.
KVPair iterator based on an underlying Cursor.
Provides an object database abstraction on top of a key/value database.
Superclass of all unchecked exceptions thrown by a Database.
Non-null Date type.
Permazen's default EncodingRegistry.
Describes what action to take when an object is deleted and a reference to that object from some other object still exists.
Thrown when an object is accessed but the object does not exist in its associated transaction.
Listener interface for notifications that an object is about to be deleted.
Presents a mutable view of an underlying read-only KVStore and records the mutations in memory.
A PermazenTransaction that is not actually connected to a Permazen database instance, but instead exists just to hold objects in memory.
Spring HttpMessageConverter capable of encoding and decoding a graph of PermazenObjects contained in a DetachedPermazenTransaction that is backed by a MemoryKVStore.
A Transaction that is not actually connected to a persistent database, but instead exists just to hold objects in memory.
Implemented by classes that can generate a set of differences between themselves and other instances.
Used to report difference(s) between two hierarchical structures.
Non-null double[] array type.
Double type.
Non-null Duration type.
A range of values of some Java type, along with string and binary encodings and a total ordering of those values.
A globally unique identifier that identifies an Encoding's encoding scheme.
EncodingId's for Permazen built-in encodings.
Parses a value having type supported by an Encoding.
A registry of Encodings.
A few Encodings that are used for various general encoding tasks.
A field that contains an array (having one or more dimensions) of values chosen from an ordered list of unique String identifiers.
An enum array field (of one or more dimensions) in a SchemaObjectType.
EnumConverter<T extends Enum<T>>
Converts between core database EnumValue objects and the corresponding Java Enum model values.
A field that contains a value chosen from in an ordered list of unique String identifiers.
An enum field in a SchemaObjectType.
Holds a non-null Enum value without actually referencing any Java Enum type.
The Encoding for EnumValue, which is the data type used by EnumField.
FoundationDB error codes.
Context for exporting plain (POJO) objects from a PermazenTransaction.
A partition-tolerant KVDatabase that automatically migrates between a clustered RaftKVDatabase and a local, non-clustered "standalone mode" KVDatabase, based on availability of the Raft cluster.
A KVTransaction associated with a FallbackKVDatabase.
Represents one of the underlying RaftKVDatabases managed by a FallbackKVDatabase.
A field in an ObjType or a (simple) sub-field of a ComplexField in an ObjType.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a field changes.
Visitor pattern interface for Fields.
File type.
Non-null float[] array type.
Float type.
Contains information maintained by leaders about followers.
Raft follower role.
Forwards all KVStore operations to another underlying KVStore.
FoundationDB KVDatabase implementation.
A KVStore view of a FoundationDB Transaction.
FoundationDB transaction.
Cache for randomly generated object IDs based on unique strings.
Sent from a follower to a candidate to grant a vote during an election.
Implemented by tuples that have a first value.
Implemented by tuples that have at least two values.
Implemented by tuples that have at least three values.
Implemented by tuples that have at least four values.
Implemented by tuples that have at least five values.
Implemented by our customized JCT objects that can provide access to the current Permazen Session.
An immutable NavigableMap implementation optimized for read efficiency.
An immutable NavigableSet implementation optimized for read efficiency.
Context for importing plain (POJO) objects into a PermazenTransaction.
Thrown when inconsistent content is detected in a Database indicating a corrupted or invalid database, or a buggy underlying key-value store.
A simple or composite index on some field(s) an ObjType.
An index on a one or more fields in some target type.
An index on a single field.
An index on two fields.
An index on three fields.
An index on a four fields.
Visitor pattern interface for Indexes.
Non-null Inet4Address type.
Non-null Inet6Address type.
Non-null InetAddress type.
Sent from leader to follower to with a chunk of key/value pairs that will wholesale replace the follower's key/value store.
Non-null Instant type.
int[] primitive array type.
int primitive type.
Support superclass for non-null integral primitive array encodings.
Support superclass for the integral types encoded via LongEncoder.
InternetAddress email address encoding.
Non-null IntSummaryStatistics type.
Represents an invalid/unexpected key in a Permazen key/value database.
Thrown when an object is found to have an invalid schema index.
Thrown when attempting to set a reference field to a disallowed object type.
Thrown by Database.createTransaction(io.permazen.schema.SchemaModel) when the provided schema is invalid.
Represents an invalid/unexpected value in a Permazen key/value database under an otherwise valid key.
Standard transaction isolation levels.
Represents a point of corruption or inconsistency in a Permazen key/value database.
The various types of items that constitute a SchemaModel.
Applies consistency checks to, and optionally repairs corruption of, a Permazen key/value database.
Configuration for a Jsck key/value database consistency inspection.
Logging callback interface used during a Jsck key/value database consistency inspection.
A predicate for filtering byte[] keys that is also capable of efficiently jumping over contiguous regions of uncontained keys.
Utility methods for dealing with KeyFilters.
Serializes a sequence of byte[] arrays, compressing consecutive common prefixes.
Represents a contiguous range of byte[] keys, when keys are sorted in unsigned lexical order.
A fixed set of KeyRange instances that can be treated as a unified whole, in particular as a KeyFilter.
Configuration for a CLI application supporting key/value database interaction.
Utility class used to track key watches.
A transactional database with a simple key/value API.
Superclass of all unchecked exceptions thrown by a KVDatabase.
Superclass of unchecked exceptions relating to KVStores, etc.
Descriptor for a provider of KVDatabase and/or AtomicKVStore implementations.
A NavigableMap view of the keys and values in a KVStore.
A NavigableSet view of the keys in a KVStore.
A key/value pair.
An Iterator that iterates over all key/value pairs in a KVStore within a range of keys, without using the KVStore.getRange() method.
General API into a key/value store where the keys are sorted lexicographically as unsigned bytes.
Spring HttpMessageConverter capable of encoding and decoding a KVStore.
Base class for key/value unit tests.
KVDatabase transaction API.
Thrown when an operation on a KVTransaction fails.
Thrown when a KVTransaction is kept open for too long.
Constants and utility methods relating to the encoding and layout of a Database in a key/value store.
Raft leader role.
An AtomicKVStore view of a LevelDB database.
KVDatabase implementation based on a LevelDBAtomicKVStore, providing concurrent transactions and linearizable ACID semantics.
Straightforward KVStore view of a LevelDB database.
LevelDBKVDatabase transaction.
Utility methods for use with LevelDB.
An index on the elements of a list field.
List field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when an element is added to a list field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a list field changes.
Listener interface for notifications of a change in value of a ListField.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a list field is cleared.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when an element is removed from a list field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when an element is replaced in a list field.
A list field in one version of a SchemaObjectType.
KVDatabase view of an LMDB database.
Straightforward KVStore view of a LMDB transaction.
LMDB transaction viewed as a KVTransaction.
Non-null LocalDate type.
Non-null LocalDateTime type.
Non-null LocalTime type.
Manager of read/write locks on byte[] key ranges that ensures isolation and serialization while allowing concurrent access by multiple threads to a single underlying byte[] key/value store.
Possible return values from LockManager.lock().
Represents the owner of a Lock managed by a LockManager.
Represents one unapplied Raft log entry.
long[] primitive array type.
Encodes long values to/from binary, preserving sort order, and such that the length of the encoding is optimized for values near zero.
Long type.
Non-null LongSummaryStatistics type.
Map field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a new key/value pair is added to a map field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a map field changes.
Listener interface for notifications of a change in value of a MapField.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a map field is cleared.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a key/value pair is removed from a map field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when the value in a key/value pair is replaced with a new value.
An index on the keys of a map field.
A map field in one version of a SchemaObjectType.
An index on the values of a map field.
Provides a KVStore view of an underlying ConcurrentNavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> whose keys are sorted lexicographically as unsigned bytes.
A simple in-memory implementation of the KVDatabase interface.
Provides a KVStore view of an underlying ConcurrentNavigableMap<byte[], byte[]> whose keys are sorted lexicographically as unsigned bytes.
Merge strategy used by a FallbackKVDatabase when migrating from one underlying database to another.
Support superclass for Raft messages.
Visitor pattern interface for Messages.
Represents a missing key in a Permazen key/value database.
Non-null MonthDay type.
Exponential moving average calculator.
Microsoft SQL Server variant of SQLKVDatabase.
Straightforward implementation of the DeltaKVStore interface.
Represents a set of mutations that can be applied to a KVStore.
Converts a Cursor from an Iterator<byte[]> with inclusive upper bound into an Iterator<KVPair> with exclusive upper bound.
Straightforward KVStore view of an MVMap.
A read-only snapshot an MVMap.
An AtomicKVStore implementation based on an MVMap in an MVStore.
KVDatabase implementation based on a MVStoreAtomicKVStore, providing concurrent transactions and linearizable ACID semantics.
MVStoreKVDatabase transaction.
MySQL variant of SQLKVDatabase.
Implemented by Comparator classes that know whether or not their ordering is identical to the target Java type's natural ordering.
Allows efficient forward and backward paging through a NavigableSet.
Utility methods relating to NavigableSet.
Support superclass for the follower and candidate roles, both of which have an election timer.
MergeStrategy that does nothing, i.e., it leaves the destination database unmodified.
An Encoding that wraps any other Encoding not supporting null values and adds support for null values.
Support superclass for the numeric primitive types.
Utility classes for printing database objects and fields in a human-readable format.
Support superclass for non-null object array encodings.
Change notification that indicates a new object has been created.
Change notification that indicates an object has been deleted.
Object IDs.
A bi-directional, many-to-many mapping between ObjIds.
Non-null encoding for ObjIds.
A map with ObjId keys.
Parses object IDs.
A queue of ObjId's, where ObjId's can be added or removed one at a time.
Factory methods for creating ObjIdQueue's.
A set of ObjIds.
Utility class holding meta-data about a database object.
Represents a Database object type.
Non-null OffsetDateTime type.
Non-null OffsetTime type.
Annotates methods to be invoked whenever some target field in some target object changes during a transaction.
Annotates Permazen model class methods that are to be invoked whenever a database object is newly created.
Annotates Permazen model class methods that are to be invoked whenever an object is about to be deleted.
Annotation for methods that are to be invoked whenever an object's schema has just changed, in order to apply arbitrary "semantic" schema migration logic.
Annotates a Permazen model class method that should be invoked any time the associated model object is validated.
MergeStrategy that completely overwrites the destination database with the content of the source database.
Parses command line parameters, including optional flags, based on a specification string.
Utility class supporting parsing of strings.
Exception for parse errors associated with a ParseContext.
Generic parsing interface.
Parsing utility routines.
Pattern type.
Non-null Period type.
Permazen Java persistence layer.
Represents a specific Permazen object type in a Permazen database.
Scans the classpath for types annotated as @PermazenType.
Configuration for a CLI application supporting a Permazen database.
Represents a collection field in a PermazenClass.
Represents a complex field in a PermazenClass.
Java annotation that defines a composite index.
A composite index.
Container for the @Repeatable annotation PermazenCompositeIndex.
Configuration object used to create new Permazen instances.
Builder for PermazenConfigs.
Represents a counter field in a PermazenClass.
Represents an Enum array field in a PermazenClass.
Represents an Enum field in a PermazenClass.
Superclass of all unchecked exceptions thrown by the Permazen API.
Permazen implementation of Spring's PersistenceExceptionTranslator interface.
A SimpleExec with an associated Permazen database.
A SimpleExecRequest with an associated Permazen Session.
A SimpleExec.Session with an associated Permazen database.
Permazen-aware LocalExecutionControl.
A LocalContextExecutionControlProvider that creates PermazenExecutionControl's.
Java annotation for defining simple fields (including reference fields that refer to other Java model object types) and Counter fields.
Represents a field in a Java model object.
Visitor pattern interface for PermazenFields.
A version of the JCT JShellCommand that is Permazen aware.
A version of the JCT JShellShell that is Permazen aware.
A version of the JCT JShellShellSession that is Permazen aware.
Java annotation for the getter methods of Java bean properties reflecting List fields.
Represents a list field in a PermazenClass.
Java annotation for the getter methods of Java bean properties reflecting Permazen Map fields.
Represents a map field in a PermazenClass.
Spring NamespaceHandler for the permazen XML namespace.
Interface implemented by Permazen Java model objects.
Spring HttpMessageConverter capable of encoding and decoding one or more PermazenObjects contained in a DetachedPermazenTransaction.
Represents a reference field in a PermazenClass or a reference sub-field of a complex field in a PermazenClass.
Superclass for the PermazenClass, PermazenField, and PermazenCompositeIndex classes which describe the schema associated with a Permazen instance.
Java annotation for the getter methods of Java bean properties reflecting Permazen Set fields.
Represents a set field in a PermazenClass.
A ShellSession that with an associated Permazen database.
A SimpleShellRequest with an associated Permazen Session.
A ShellSession that with an associated Permazen database.
Represents a simple field in a PermazenClass or a simple sub-field of a complex field in a PermazenClass.
A transaction associated with a Permazen instance.
Permazen implementation of Spring's PlatformTransactionManager interface, allowing methods annotated with Spring's @Transactional annotation to perform transactions on a Permazen database.
Adapter class that wraps a Spring TransactionSynchronization in the Transaction.Callback interface.
Eliminates the annotated method from consideration for Permazen field auto-generation.
Java annotation for Java classes that represent Permazen database object types.
Sent from hermits to other nodes when trying to establish communication with a majority.
Response to a PingRequest.
Prefix KVDatabase implementation.
A KVStore view of all keys having a common byte[] prefix in an outer, containing KVStore.
KVTransaction view of all keys having a common byte[] prefix in a containing KVTransaction.
Support superclass for built-in primitive type encodings.
Primitive wrapper type.
A distributed KVDatabase based on the Raft consensus algorithm.
RaftKVDatabase transaction.
Represents an MVCC conflict in which a key that was read in one transaction was adjusted via KVStore.adjustCounter() in another, simultaneous transaction.
Provides a (read-only) KVStore view of a ReadContext.
Represents an MVCC conflict in which a key or range of keys that was read in one transaction was removed in another, simultaneous transaction.
Holds a set of reads from a KVStore.
Represents an MVCC conflict in which a key that was read in one transaction had its value changed in another, simultaneous transaction.
Provides a mutable KVStore view of a ReadContext.
Thrown on an attempt to delete an object which is still referenced by a ReferenceField configured for DeleteAction.EXCEPTION.
A field that references another Database object.
Annotates Java instance methods that should return all objects found at the far end of a reference path, starting from the current instance.
Permazen reference paths.
A reference field in a SchemaObjectType.
Send from candidates to other nodes to request a vote during an election.
Exception thrown when an attempt to access a KVTransaction results in a conflict or other condition requiring that the transaction be retried.
Common superclass for the three roles played by a Raft node: leader, follower, and candidate.
Thrown on an attempt to commit() a transaction that has been marked rollback-only.
Reflects a SchemaModel as recorded in a Database as seen by a particular Transaction.
Reflects the Schema table currently recorded in a Database as seen by a particular Transaction.
The byte[]-encoded version of a SchemaBundle that is actually stored in a Database.
Listener interface for notifications that an object's schema has been changed to match the current transaction.
An index on two or more fields in a SchemaObjectType.
A field in a SchemaObjectType.
Visitor pattern interface for SchemaFields.
Ant task for schema XML generation and/or verification.
A unique identifier that corresponds to the structure and encoding of an individual SchemaItem component of a SchemaModel, or an entire SchemaModel.
Superclass for the ObjType, Field, and Index classes which constitute a Schema.
Support superclass for schema items that have names.
Thrown by Database.createTransaction(io.permazen.schema.SchemaModel) when the expected schema does not match and of the schemas already recorded in the database.
Models one Permazen Database schema version.
One object type in a SchemaModel.
Schema utility API.
Holds Permazen-specific state during a CLI session, include the current open transaction, if any.
Callback interface used by Session.performSessionAction()
Extension of Session.TransactionalAction that indicates the transaction should be retried if a RetryKVTransactionException is thrown.
Extension of Session.Action that indicates the action requires an open transaction.
Extension of Session.TransactionalAction that indicates the action provides custom transaction options.
Information about the a transaction associated with a Session.
Console Session modes.
An index on the elements of a set field.
Set field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when an element is added to a set field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a set field changes.
Listener interface for notifications of a change in value of a SetField.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a set field is cleared.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when an element is removed from a set field.
A set field in one version of a SchemaObjectType.
short[] primitive array type.
Short type.
Wraps a Permazen Command, making it into a Java Console Toolkit SimpleCommand.
A straightforward EncodingRegistry implementation that creates object array types on demand.
A simple Field.
Notification object that gets passed to @OnChange-annotated methods when a simple field changes.
Listener interface for notifications of a change in value of a SimpleField.
An index on a simple field that is not a sub-field of a complex field.
An index on a simple field, either a regular simple field or a sub-field of a complex field.
Simple implementation of the KVDatabase interface that provides a concurrent, transactional view of an underlying AtomicKVStore with strong ACID semantics (assuming Atomicity and Durability are provided by the underlying AtomicKVStore).
KVTransaction implementation for SimpleKVDatabase.
A simple field in a SchemaObjectType.
KVDatabase implementation based on an underlying AtomicKVStore using snapshot views and optimistic locking to provide concurrent transactions and linearizable ACID consistency.
SnapshotKVDatabase transaction.
Read-only KVStore view of a LevelDB Snapshot.
Parses whitespace.
KVDatabase implementation based on Google Cloud Spanner.
SpannerKVDatabase transaction.
XMLKVDatabase that adds support for loading the default initial content from any Spring Resource.
Support superclass for KVImplementations that create SQLKVDatabase instances.
SQLite variant of SQLKVDatabase.
Support superclass for SQL KVDatabase implementations.
SQLKVDatabase transaction.
Used internally to build SQL statements.
Thrown when an operation is attempted on a KVTransaction that is no longer usable.
Thrown when a transaction that has been committed, rolled back, or otherwise invalidated is accessed.
Stream utility methods.
Encoding for any Java type that can be encoded and ordered as a String.
Non-null String encoding.
Base class for unit tests providing logging and random seed setup.
Represents a relative timestamp in milliseconds.
A Permazen Database transaction.
Callback interface for notification of transaction completion events.
Adapter class for Transaction.Callback.
A fixed collection of listeners (CreateListeners, DeleteListeners, SchemaChangeListeners, SimpleFieldChangeListeners, SetFieldChangeListeners, ListFieldChangeListeners, and MapFieldChangeListeners) that can be efficiently registered on a Transaction all at once.
Configuration for a Transaction.
Builder for TransactionConfigs.
Configures if and when to automatically detect and remove unused schemas from a database.
Exception thrown when a transaction fails because of an MVCC conflict.
Superclass of exceptions associated with a specific Transaction.
Xodus transaction types.
Implemented by all "tuple" classes.
A "tuple" of one value.
A tuple of two values.
Non-null Encoding for a Tuple2 created by concatenating the component Encodings.
A tuple of three values.
Non-null Encoding for a Tuple3 created by concatenating the component Encodings.
A tuple of four values.
Non-null Encoding for a Tuple4 created by concatenating the component Encodings.
A tuple of five values.
Non-null Encoding for a Tuple5 created by concatenating the component Encodings.
Support superclass for non-null Encodings of Tuple classes created by concatenating the component Encodings.
Tuple utility methods.
Thrown when attempting to migrate a database object to a new schema in which the object's type no longer exists.
Recreates TypeTokens from the output of TypeToken.toString().
Various utility routines relating to TypeTokens.
CloseableIterator implementation that provides a read-only view of an inner Iterator in which consecutive duplicate values are eliminated.
JSR 303 validation group for Permazen uniqueness constraints.
Thrown when an unknown field is accessed.
Thrown when an unknown index is accessed.
Thrown when attempting to access an unknown type.
Provides a read-only view of an underlying KVStore.
Encodes unsigned (i.e., non-negative) int values to/from self-delimited binary, preserving sort order, and such that the length of the encoding is optimized for values near zero and encoded values never begin with 0xff.
Non-null encoding for unsigned int values in the manner of UnsignedIntEncoder.
Represents a PermazenObject whose type does not exist in the transaction's schema.
Exception thrown when an object is upgraded, some simple field's type changes, the field is configured with UpgradeConversionPolicy.REQUIRE, and automated conversion of the field's value to the new type fails.
Policies to apply when a simple or counter field's type changes during a schema change.
URI type.
Various utility routines.
Non-null UUID type.
Thrown when PermazenTransaction.validate() (or PermazenTransaction.commit()) fails due to one or more validation errors.
Configures whether and how objects are enqueued for validation in a PermazenTransaction.
Defines a predicate that matches a contiguous range of values of a simple field.
Defines a predicate that matches certain values of a simple field.
Defines a predicate that matches certain combined values of a list of simple fields.
Encoding for void primitive type.
Accepts anything.
Parses a word (one or more characters).
Holds a set of writes to a KVStore.
XML tag and element names.
A MemoryKVDatabase made persistent by storing its XML content in a file or custom StreamRepository.
Transaction associated with a XMLKVDatabase.
Utility methods for serializing and deserializing Database objects in a Transaction to/from XML.
Options for the output XML format produced by XMLObjectSerializer.
Utility methods for serializing and deserializing the contents of a KVStore to/from XML.
XML related utility methods.
KVDatabase view of an Xodus database.
Straightforward KVStore view of a Xodus Store viewed within an open Transaction.
XodusKVDatabase transaction.
Non-null Year type.
Non-null YearMonth type.
Non-null ZonedDateTime type.
ZoneId type.
Non-null ZoneOffset type.